What is friends? Friends is the person that always be with you, when you're in difficult time, happy or sad. Without friends, we're nothing, we're just a bunch of junk..
If there's 1day, I was force to give up my friends to continue my life, I would rather end my life, and still be with my friends even after I'm dead.
Friends help me pass those difficult times, we went through everything together. PMR, normal exam, when teachers scold us. Haha...Without them, I won't be that happy, without them, I won't turn out to be a better person this year. Because of friends, I manage to control my temper now. I feel so praise...Thank you guys, you guys rocks.
Wanna know why I control my temper?
Easy, got once, I quarrel with 1 of my best friends,Jing Yan aka daddy. I yell at her, very very loud in front of classmates, then we were like, stop talking for more than 2 months, I did apologize, but I know she won't accept my apology. Few months ago, we turn good friends again. From that time onwards, I've promise myself, to control my temper. I seriously don't wan my temper to affect my friendship between my friends.
And now...I make it, so damn happy. Although I'm still hot temper, but not as hot as last year...
Friends really are the best in the whole world, if you have friends around, you will be like me...
Guys, friends forever. *thank god*